Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Life lesson #367

Life's a shit sandwhich. You're trying to get from one slice of bread to the next, but you gotta deal with all the shit in the middle. Then you die and you shit yourself. Ironic, ain't it?

Sunday, June 5, 2016

On acronym fixation and other fetishes

Dear LGBTQIA(and counting) members;

Congratulations, you've gone a long way from opposing a society that put tags on you to putting multiple tags on yourselves and fussing about them. And while any person's sexuality is an important part of their identity, it is not all there is to them and should not be their sole defining characteristic. By regarding yourselves strictly in that aspect you only succeed in doing all of you a bigger disservice than any bigot ever could.

As history can show you, being part of an acronym never did anyone good. Please be smarter than this, otherwise you're actively contributing to the population of mouth-breathing idiots on this planet. 

As if we haven't already had enough of them.

Friday, July 3, 2015

On the current state of Greece, the referendum, fear mongering and theworld economy in general

It never ceases to amuse me how people, even exceptional ones, tend to rationalize everything according to their expected gain or loss. It also never ceases to elate me when I stumble upon the few stubborn or decent enough to struggle against that natural urge. Right is might, but might is not always right.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A love story for the ages.

Boy meets girl, girl meets boy. Girl spends next decade effectively changing boy according to taste. Girl is then sad and ultimately breaks up with boy because "he's not the man she fell in love with anymore". Girl goes away, boy drinks and struggles to find former self. Boy meets girl. Repeat sequence.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Truth, As It Has Been Foretold, Pt. I: Signs of the Endtimes

"Let every emotion be capable becoming an intoxication to you.

If what you eat fails to make you drunk, it is because you are not hungry enough."

- André Paul Guillaume Gide. French author, Nobel prize awardee, married to his cousin.

In layman's terms, a philosophical leeway to first starve oneself, then commit acts of unspeakable gluttony. A concept thoroughly depraved; then again, one would expect no less from the French, the people who invented perfume just so they could skip bathing. I assure you that when the world ends, it will have been single-handedly brought about by none other. One day the French are going to do something so unspeakably obscene, that whatever higher entity is running the cosmos is going to go "Oh hell no" and drop the curtain on us all. Sure, everyone believes it'll be the Jews that get us there; meanwhile, no one's minding the Frogs.

I have become ascertained that the Antichrist shall be of Belgian/Jewish descent. Kosher waffles are the herald of the Apocalypse. And all of his minions shall be, guess what, French.

Rx feed - Truth. The kind that comes in dissolvable capsules.

Friday, October 29, 2010


For any Greeks left out there that are still capable of thinking for themselves and retain half a shred of dignity. Use accordingly.